why us
There are hundreds of travel agencies within China, so you might ask, “why should I choose Diverse China Travel as my travel provider?”
The following should help you decide:
Responsible Guides and Drivers
We set high service standard for our guides and drivers. Our guides are professional, experienced, detail-oriented and of course, licensed by China Tourism Board. They’re  more like family taking care of clients from arrival at the airport through departure check-in.  They will accompany clients the whole day from early morning to late evening until dinner end, assuring a comfortable stay, meal ordering, and of course, lots of details about culture, history and scenery
Our drivers are professionally licensed. The cars or buses are late model and must be in excellent condition.
No Compulsory Shopping
Diverse China Travel prohibits our guides from taking any group shopping with kick-backs. That makes us so different from the others.
In order to guarantee that our guides/drivers provide high quality service to our clients, we pay our guides/drivers well while others travel services do not.
When the other tour groups are shopping in stores with kickbacks, our clients are enjoying good time visiting sites, learning Chinese culture or experiencing nature activities.
Accommodations are really important. We take great care of our clients to have good experience with comfort in hotels. Unless there is no option, Diverse China Travel tries to arrange charming local hotels or boutique hotels but not regular standard hotels for our clients.
Food is such an import part of Chinese culture.
Therefore, Diverse China Travel takes clients to reputable authentic local restaurants instead of touristy restaurants on the scenic site. Our guides will help with ordering to assure specific food requirements are met.
Program Flexibility 
While we go to great lengths to plan the very best, we know that things can change along the way.  Maybe it’s the weather or a change in your interests.  Our guides work with flexibility in mind to maximize your visit.

Bottle Waters and Snacks
Diverse China Travel provides snacks andbottled water on the bus along the trip.
Personal Travel Accident Insurance
Diverse China Travel’s quotation inlcudes personal travel accidental insurance.
Emergency Action Plan 
Diverse China Travel is available 24x7 should an emergency arise.  Because we are flexible, we always have a “Plan B” should the original program not be available.

Sustainable Tourism & Charity 
Diverse China Travel is a member of GSTC (Global Sustainable Tours Council).Please see our webiste and our logo as on their website as:http://www.gstcouncil.org/en/members-partners/members.html?start=15.Sustainable tourism is our priority concern. We pay our guides and drivers well and help the local communicates to protect their culture and environment.
Diverse China Travel has helped to build 3 primary village schools with other NGOs in the past years and have sponsored 8 students in Yunnan province. Information is available from our website as http://www.diversechina.com/charity/